sumo deadlift vs romanian deadlift reddit

The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Whereas most people should be able to deadlift between 60-70% of their 1 rep max deadlift for 8-10 reps. Is the Romanian deadlift the same as stiff leg deadlift? Bret says: February 20, 2014 at 7:12 pm. The advantage of transparent image is that it can be used efficiently. The daily number of romanian deadlift lifts entered on Strength Level is greater than the daily number of sumo squat lifts. deadlifts for back and RDLs for hamstrings. Well, we decided to do our research and discovered seven of the best Romanian deadlift … Axons of gamma motoneurons innervate the blood pressure is better. The following section will break down proper sumo deadlift technique. In fact a lot of people that think they are performing a deadlift are sometimes actually doing a Romanian Deadlift. Unless you have some kind of health issue. Deadlifting is probably the most effective mass building exercise there is, so I would not substitute them with an accessory movement. Another biomechanical difference is the torso is much more upright than the traditional deadlift and this can serve to remove some of the strain on the low back. The conventional deadlift is often done with a barbell; your feet are placed within your grip. Because first I thought DL focuses on lifting up the bar, and RDL more like on lowering the bar. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sumo deadlifts differ to regular deadlifts in that you take a much wider stance with your feet and a much narrower grip with your hands. A properly performed RDL places significant stress on the hamstrings. Kettlebell sumo deadlifts are another great option. It's either grip, lower back, or legs that cause the problems. Also, deadlifts use knee extension out of the bottom, while RDLs deliberately stop at the point where you would have to bend your knees to continue. Sumo Deadlift Setup. The sumo deadlift relies on recruiting the hips, glutes, and legs to initiate the first portion of the pull, while the conventional has a more equal balance between the lower back and hamstrings. YMMV. The sumo deadlift is an effective ultimate lower body exercise and the benefits go much further than just building big legs and a strong back. The stiff leg deadlift mimics the conventional deadlift better due to both movements starting from the floor. As the name implies, a sumo deadlift employs a wide, sumo-wrestler-like stance over the barbell, in contrast to the narrower stance used in the conventional deadlift. Sumo Deadlift Form and Technique Points. I watched Mark Rippetoe's guides for both - and for me it seems the main difference is that while DL focuses more on the pulling upwards part, while RDL focuses more on the eccentric part, and its started with the rack, not from the floor. Begin in the same stance as the Sumo Deadlift. The key difference here is in the stance. Both the conventional and Romanian Deadlifts are great strength and muscle building exercises. Many will argue that the sumo deadlift is “cheating” because it has a shorter range of motion (ROM). Romanian Deadlift If you've ever watched a powerlifting competition, you may also wonder why some guys use a conventional deadlift style and others use the sumo-style deadlift. RDLs are not an appropriate replacement for Deadlifts in this program. Lower back rounding comes down to form issue. Conventional vs. Sumo Deadlifts. I disagree. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The sumo deadlift is an effective ultimate lower body exercise and the benefits go much further than just building big legs and a strong back. But the sumo deadlift also differs in the muscle fibers that are used. I have a good workout plan, but it has DLs and RDLs on different days. Muscles to the preliminary handful of sumo vs romanian deadlift anti-wrinkle reduction. Finally, the most important thing to realize is that the RDL doesn't emphasize the eccentric so much as it emphasizes the rebound/stretch reflex effect that occurs when you reverse the movement at the bottom and transition from the eccentric to the concentric phase. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. While the sumo deadlift is a great variation, it is radically different to the conventional deadlift. 1 Es gibt hier einige abweichende Varianten, vor allem den Sumo-Deadlift, bei dem man sehr breit steht und sich die Arme innerhalb der Beine befinden. It will reduce your upper back development because it is less weight. This is something that doesn't happen at all with deadlifts (or, at least, to a lesser extent if you TNG). By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Below is the list of those variations which you can do at home without even need of bench or much space. So, let’s talk more about this deadlift variation many people are seeing phenomenal results with. The deadlift is an awesome exercise. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Discussion of physical fitness/exercise goals and how they can be achieved, Press J to jump to the feed. Fill your belly with air, sit *backwards* towards the wall behind you, and grab the bar with an alternating grip that is roughly shoulder width apart. Conventional Dumbbell Deadlift; Dumbbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift The Sumo deadlift is a movement which both sounds cool and works extremely well. This results in a much more horizontal torso angle at the bottom than with a conventional deadlift. If yes, RDLs will help with that. The sumo deadlift uses an exaggerated wide stance. Any thoughts on a good deadlift goal in terms of BW%? Are conventional deadlifts much better than romanian? In this article, I’ll talk about the key differences between these two styles, the benefits of each, and how to perform them correctly to maximize your strength gains. The Sumo RDL. People will also argue that the sumo deadlift is easier because it allows your hips to stay closer to the bar. Takeaway: In deciding whether to do semi-sumo deadlift, you need to ensure you have a strong lock-out position. Drop the weight and practice your technique. Post navigation But, since sumo and trap bar deadlifts are more squat-like than the conventional deadlift, they will actually emphasize the quadriceps a … Gender ♂ Male ♀ Female. I do trap bar deads on leg day and conventional / sumo on backday, If it were me, I'd work on fixing my form with a lower weight and stick with conventional deads as the main movement, then maybe swap out sumo with RDL if you like doing them? Of course, variations like the Romanian deadlift weren’t around back then, so you can’t compare to the stiff leg deadlift. In the end, the sumo gives you this weird blend of quad, glutes, hamstring, some lower back, and even some adductors. Workout A: Squat, Bench Press, Barbell Row Workout B: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift. Sumo deadlifts activate the quads more so your lower back doesn't get quite the same workload as with standard dead form. Sumo deadlift – The Sumo deadlift is a variation where one will approach the bar with the feet wider than shoulder-width apart and grip the bar with a close grip inside of one's legs and proceed with correct form. Another good reason to add the single-leg Romanian deadlift is that it improves balance. The obvious difference between the conventional deadlift and the sumo-style deadlift is that the feet are much wider apart in the sumo style. Romanian Deadlift A while back, the powerlifter Andrey Malanichev switched from the sumo deadlift to the conventional due to hamstring problems. Weight Unit. Standard Deadlift vs Sumo Deadlift. Whether that is a mistake depends on your goals. Deadlifts are one hell of a movement which means you should be doing them if you’re not already. what you are describing are stiff legged deadlifts. I have been touching the ground with the plates when I do my RDL's, is this too far? Traditional Deadlift vs. Romanian Deadlift. That’s the specific focus this week, but at a later date, I reserve the right to look at straight leg deadlifts such as the Romanian deadlift and put those against bent knee deadlifts. It’s game over! Thanks so much!! If you're just training for mass, then RDLs are fine substitute. report. It isn't better or worse. 5. The Romanian Deadlift is one of the most commonly used among the various deadlift techniques. RDLs start from the top and don't touch the floor. That's why I don't recommend replacing the deadlift with the sumo deadlift If you're a powerlifter. That really depends on your biomechanics and which style of deadlifting you are strongest on. Instead of being about hip-width apart, with sumo the feet are positioned wider than your hands. This version of the deadlift is called "sumo" because it mimics the position a sumo wrestler assumes before a bout. In fact a lot of people that think they are performing a deadlift are sometimes actually doing a Romanian Deadlift. The difference between the Sumo Deadlift and the Romanian Deadlift is that there will not be as much of a bend in the knees. So, with 40x0, does it mean that the 4second part is the 'lowering the bar' part in both exercise, or something different? The Sumo Romanian Deadlift will target the Hamstrings more than the regular Sumo Deadlift. Good Mornings vs Romanian Deadlift I'm preparing to start the Madcow 5x5 intermediate program, which calls for weighted hyper-extensions. In case you are experiencing pain or injury in your knees or quads, the Romanian deadlift is a good alternative for working on your posterior chain. This thread is archived. In case you are experiencing pain or injury in your knees or quads, the Romanian deadlift is a good alternative for working on your posterior chain. The Sumo Romanian deadlift is a combination exercise that incorporates both a Sumo deadlift and Romanian deadlift.. For one, the mechanics in terms of what your back/body actually does is significantly different. RDLs realllly make me feel it in my lower back. Exactly what it sounds like, The Sumo RDL has allowed me to develop strength and explosiveness in my Sumo Deadlift that I truly believe would not have been possible otherwise. RDLs should ideally be an accessory exercise. You're supposed to unlock your knees slightly but then have all the rest of the movement be in your hip joint. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Romanian deadlift is an effective way for you to build up your entire posterior chain. It IS true that sumo deadlifts allow for a shorter range of motion. hide. Here are the differences between the semi-sumo deadlift vs. sumo deadlift: I don't think I've ever seen or heard of someone failing a deadlift because of their upper back. And RDL's range is smaller of course, as pointed out by /u/gentle-dinosaur. Thanks for the video. Muscles to the preliminary handful of sumo vs romanian deadlift anti-wrinkle reduction. is it a lack of hamstring flexibility that keeps you from getting in a neutral position? The main difference between the sumo and the conventional deadlift is the position of the feet and hands. So much so, in fact, that very few exercises can even provide half of the same benefits. Give it a shot but, fair warning: your glutes and hamstrings’ll be so … About 85-90 percent of the population will have or has had lower back problems…The major cause of lower back issues is lack of hip mobility. Traditional vs. Sumo While both variations emphasize the back side, the traditional deadlift typically sends the lifter into a more bent over posture since the feet are closer together. For that reason, the sumo deadlift is be more quad-dominant than its conventional counterpart, as well as less stressful to the joints and muscles surrounding the lumbar spine. If you do then you’ll get the benefit of having an easier time lifting the barbell from the floor to knees. It will tell you to set up your upper back really tight. RDLs do bend the knees. In other words, the sumo deadlift definitely works the hamstrings hard. You could also add rack pulls as an accessory to compensate that. You're crazy. Whether or not an RDL touches the floor depends on the flexibility of the lifter and the length of their arms. Traditional vs. Sumo While both variations emphasize the back side, the traditional deadlift typically sends the lifter into a more bent over posture since the feet are closer together. Athletes may choose to employ either the sumo or conventional deadlift style, depending on which muscles are considered most important according to their training protocols. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the tempo? ... Reddit. 1. The sumo deadlift really is a hybrid between the two. These are the videos that I use as reference:, They work the hamstrings more because of the almost extended knee joint which stretches the hamstring more (than the glutes). I use several variations of the deadlift with my athletes to target different areas within the range of motion. Just different. How big of an effect will it have on my program to keep RDLs in conventional's spot for good? The RDL does have a lower range of motion than a deadlift, but it's much more than just a low ROM deadlift. Metric Romanian Deadlift Sumo … Find out how to perform a Romanian deadlift correctly in this instructional film from Nuffield Health Personal Trainers. Conventional and Sumo Deadlift. I was also wondering, would it be smart to replace sumos with conventional on tuesdays but lift a little lighter than my romanian so that I dont ignore it completely? A deadlift starts with the bar on the floor and you lift it with extended arms until your hips are fully flexed and your back is straight. Alternatives. If you play sports, the single-leg Romanian Deadlift is a great way to build stability in your ankles, knees, in hips. It is also not a "Big" PR type lift and you want to beat your PRs every week on N Suns. The plan was to strengthen them and then go back to conventional, but I like Romanians so much more. To understand the Romanian deadlift, you should first understand conventional (and sumo) deadlifts. Everyone does lat pull-downs at Westside Barbell also specific incidents massaging and departures from your center of the Ia and II sensory neurons. The point is that you don't flex your knees as much in RDLs which stretches your hamstrings and gives a slight stretch reflex at the bottom of the movement. Model Kate Upton performed some single-leg Romanian deadlifts with 80 pounds on the bar in a new video posted by celebrity trainer Ben Bruno. And therefore it might not have 100% carryover. It’s really helpful to see you doing the different variations. So, the sumo deadlift hits all the same muscles as the regular deadlift but also touches on the upper back a little bit more. The sumo... it just feels wrong to me, like I cannot generate the required force properly. 11 comments . Ideally, assume a wide stance that places the shins in a position where they are perpendicular to the floor. Thanks! It also almost entirely eliminates the role of the quads in the lift, when compared to a conventional deadlift. Romanian Deadlift (RDL) Pros. Generally speaking, Romanian deadlifts should be performed regularly to bulletproof the hamstrings and lower back from injury, whereas sumo deadlifts … Very helpful. This will kind of help. I'm training purely to add muscle mass, so would this be a mistake? Romanian deadlifts are absolutely unrivaled when it comes to exercises that strengthen the lower back and hamstrings. Straight-legged deadlift – A variant of the Romanian deadlift, where the legs remain straight but not locked. But in the end they are not really a substitute, more an accessory. Weight Unit. this is incorrect. You can lift more weight with a deadlift vs Romanian deadlift. The sumo deadlift has a much longer lifespan when done properly and attacks a major issue: lack of hip mobility. Correct Stance. Conventional Deadlift: What’s the Difference? Your legs should be around 8 inches wider than shoulder-width, and your hands should be a good couple of inches narrower than shoulder width. The conventional deadlift versus the sumo deadlift is one of the great debates in the strength sports. Sumo vs. The Romanian deadlift differs from the traditional deadlift in that the movement is much more dependent on hamstring and hips strength, as well … It's true that it's less weight but in an rdl your traps are constantly under tension right? And yes, RDLs have a controlled eccentric while deadlifts generally put the bar down as quickly as possible. The limited movement in the knee joint is an important part of the RDL. And if you happen to be in harmony. The point there was to show how effective multi-joint exercises like the deadlifts are. Escamilla found (or at least validated – it’s pretty obvious to anyone who’s minimally observant) that a sumo deadlift has a ~20-25% shorter range of motion than a conventional deadlift. Close. 2. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Deadlifts build mass like no other… and strength? Your lats end up working pretty hard to keep the bar in contact with your legs and, more importantly, it results in a much greater loaded stretch of the hamstrings than you would typically get in a conventional deadlift. 4 years ago. If you do then you’ll get the benefit of having an easier time lifting the barbell from the floor to knees. In previous articles we have discussed the origins, purpose, and unique benefits that the Romanian deadlift has to offer for all strength, power, and fitness sports athletes. Ive swapped them for RDLs for now because I get a ridiculous stretch in my hamstrings and I feel like I'm really activating them. The Romanian deadlift … Sobald du den Stand eingenommen hast, lockerst du deine Kniegelenke und beugst dich herunter zur Stange. Good Morning vs Romanian Deadlift, which is better for bodybuilding. The real question is what benefits don’t they offer? The overall upper back, hamstrings and glute activation is quite similar between the 3 variations. The start position and the eccentric (lowering) portion. 6. Reply. Semi Sumo Deadlift vs. Sumo Deadlift. Compared to Traditional deadlift, Romanian deadlift is easier to learn and perform. Greifen. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. I'm doing Nsuns program but I struggle with lower back rounding with conventional deadlifts. The first 2 minutes of the video is mainly about the Romanian deadlift, and then he goes into the stiff-legged deadlift. By doing so the lifter is moved closer to the ground. Quick Navigation. Why not just lower the weight where you can lift 5/6 reps without rounding your back and then add 5 lbs per week? Sumo deadlifts differ to regular deadlifts in that you take a much wider stance with your feet and a much narrower grip with your hands. Practice superman pose for the tight upper back. Romanian deadlifts place less stress on your knees and quads. When it comes to the sump vs. conventional deadlift, both exercises activate your muscles to the same degree, but in different ways. Google videos of them for example but RDL's are vastly easier and simpler in motion. Conventional vs. Sumo Deadlifts Because of the wider stance, the hips are positioned considerably lower, which allows for a more upright torso relative to the ground. Romanian deadlifts place less stress on your knees and quads. Are conventional deadlifts much better than romanian? This is an excellent video of what the Romanian deadlift looks like. Instead, I would suggest programming the sumo deadlift … Home > Blog > Exercises > Romanian Deadlift Exercise Form Guide with Video & Pictures. The barbell Sumo Romanian deadlift is a variation of the Romanian deadlift and an exercise used to target the muscles of the hamstring complex, as well as the rest of the posterior chain.. The sumo deadlift can decrease vertical bar distance by as much as 10 percent. RDLs realllly make me feel it in my lower back. Gender ♂ Male ♀ Female. Romanian: you turn away for a moment and all the plates and clips have been stolen. If you don't care about deadlifting a shitload of weight, you're doing plenty of other lat/upper back work and you're squatting it literally doesn't matter. romanian deadlift vs conventional deadlift I always do romanian deadlifts, but today I decided to try conventional deadlifts. Most people should be able to Romanian deadlift between 30-40% of their 1 rep max deadlift for 8-10 reps. 2. Point your nipples at the wall in front without dropping the hips (Asshole pointing at the wall behind). After you lift the bar up, perform a Romanian deadlift by hinging forwards at the hips. So my question is, whats the main difference? Ahh, yeah, I forgot to mention it ofc. Like many exercises, deadlifts have evolved to many different forms and variations, and Romanian deadlift is one of the new exercises born out of Traditional deadlift. Romanian Deadlift VS Deadlift – Final Thoughts. Does the Sumo Deadlift just feel such an unnatural movement to anyone else? And if you happen to be in harmony. Here are the differences between the semi-sumo deadlift vs. sumo deadlift: Check out this Starting Strength 5 step deadlift set up, Im just asking because im not sure if its safe to deadlift 2x per week. I think you should focus more on your setup, and throw in some upper back exercises to help out, stuff like shrugs, face pulls, and rack pulls. I love deadlifts sooo much more than RDLs. Takeaway: In deciding whether to do semi-sumo deadlift, you need to ensure you have a strong lock-out position. Because of the wider stance, the hips are positioned considerably lower, which allows for a more upright torso relative to the ground. I do not have the equipment in my home gym to perform this exercise so I was looking for an adequate substitution. Metric Romanian Deadlift Sumo Deadlift Difference Percent; Daily … Starting Position ... Sumo RDL, Paused RDL, Single Leg RDL. The good morning is a more squat-specific movement while the Romanian deadlift is a more deadlift-specific movement. Download it and make more creative edits for your free educational & non-commercial project. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift. However, the difference in range of motion doesn’t really matter. Both the conventional deadlift and Romanian deadlift involve similar muscules. For me, that's Sumo as well (6'5, not very long arms). When you pull the deadlift, you straighten your … However, there is no mystery that many athletes can have carryover to both lifts when performing only the good morning or only the Romanian deadlift. Archived . Instructions with Pictures. 2. Kettlebell sumo deadlift. I'm doing Nsuns program but I struggle with lower back rounding with conventional deadlifts. 6. Also, because we spend 10 hours a day sitting in chairs or couches. A variation on the classic, the straight leg deadlift is a great option when targeting the hamstrings and glutes. Both the conventional and Romanian Deadlifts are great strength and muscle building exercises. The daily number of romanian deadlift lifts entered on Strength Level is less than the daily number of sumo deadlift lifts. Dumbbell Deadlift vs Barbell Deadlift; Variations of dumbbell deadlifts include: There are different variations of deadlift you can do with only a pair of dumbbells. Could you do a video on the Sumo deadlift as well. An RDL is simply bringing the bar from mid thigh to below the knee and back again. However, one advantage of the sumo-style dead is that, due to the wider stance, you do not have to lift … I definitely felt it more in my legs today, as opposed to when I do romanian deadlifts-I feel it more in my back. Sumo Deadlift + Trap Bar Deadlift = Greater Quadriceps Involvement. Athletes may choose to employ either the sumo or conventional deadlift style, depending on which muscles are considered most important according to their training protocols. You will be able to lift more weight with the deadlift vs Romanian deadlift. 91% Upvoted. Semi Sumo Deadlift vs. Sumo Deadlift. Kilograms (kg) Pounds (lb) Overall comparison. Romanian Deadlift vs Sumo Deadlift . Well, there are a few significant differences. This deadlift workout is also an excellent choice to add to your exercise program if you do any running. I know the more I do it, the better I will get at it, but my standard deadlift max is about 40-50kg (say, 100lbs) more than my Sumo, and just feels much more natural. Work on your form. Romanian Deadlift vs Deadlift. With an RDL you are pushing your butt back while limiting knee flexion as much as possible and your shoulders are in front of the bar at the bottom. Ive swapped them for RDLs for now because I get a ridiculous stretch in my hamstrings and I feel like I'm really activating them. Your legs should be around 8 inches wider than shoulder-width, and your hands should be a good couple of inches narrower than shoulder width. Moderate to high co-contractions from the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius imply that the deadlift … There is two subtle difference between these two movements. Stiff Leg Deadlift vs Romanian Deadlift Key Takeaways. The back usually needs to be rounded if the bar is taken to the floor. I want to replace the t2 sumo Deadlifts with Romanian deadlifts in the hopes of raising my conventional and strengthening a few weakpoints of mine (that being lower back and to a smaller degree grip, which isn't a problem but I feel I should train it). This week I’m going to put the traditional deadlift up against the sumo deadlift in order to see if one or the other is the superior form of the bent knee deadlift. Romanian Deadlift vs Sumo Squat . share. #crazybankerfitness What’s the Difference Between a Romanian Deadlift, American Deadlift, Stiff Legged Deadlift, and Straight Leg Deadlift? The sumo deadlift is cheating, this phrase is commonly thrown around in various powerlifting circles.The controversy often centers around the differences in range of motion between the sumo … The main difference between the sumo and conventional deadlift is the width of your stance with the sumo deadlift requiring a much wider stance. The range of the movement is smaller. You miss out on potential by swapping the 2nd best lift with a much inferior lift. HOW CONVENTIONAL DEADLIFT DIFFERS FROM ROMANIAN DEADLIFT. I'd recommend choosing the one that your body proportions favor. Smooth control. Romanian Deadlift vs Deadlift. Does it really even tax it that much? Sumo Vs Romanian Deadlift. However, the conventional deadlift uses more quad activation, whereas the Romanian deadlift uses more glute and hamstring activation. At the same time do some RDL as well as weighted Hypers as accessory to help in the main lift? Everyone does lat pull-downs at Westside Barbell also specific incidents massaging and departures from your center of the Ia and II sensory neurons. save. Heavy hamstring activation. 14. Romanian Deadlift Vs Stiff Legged Reddit Clipart is a handpicked free hd PNG images. The Romanian Deadlift is one of the most commonly used among the various deadlift techniques. Your hips start closer to the bar (especially if you think about pushing your knees out to get to the bar, versus pushing your hips back), and you're also much more upright. Take a wide stance, place your shins roughly .5inch away from the bar, and angle your toes to follow the same line as your knees. Kilograms (kg) Pounds (lb) Overall comparison. Also RDL's target your hammies more than conventional deadlifts. What is yhe difference between a romanian and a stiff leg deadlift? Im pushing and training my bollox off to hit, 160kg bench, 240kg deadlift, 200kg squat, I would love to hit those numbers! I find the T2 on Squat day to be absolutely brutal. RDLs start from the top and don't touch the floor. Moderate to high co-contractions from the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gastrocnemius imply that the deadlift may be an effectiv … An electromyographic analysis of sumo and conventional style deadlifts Med Sci Sports … Hamstrings and glute activation is quite similar between the conventional deadlift RDL your traps are constantly under tension right is. The benefit of having an easier time lifting the barbell from the floor to build stability in your,... Many people are seeing phenomenal results with, 2014 at 7:12 pm Westside also! Part of the great debates in the lift, when compared to a deadlift. Much wider apart in the same workload as with standard dead form sumo the feet are much wider stance back... These are the videos that I use several variations of the Ia and II sensory neurons, Legged. Rounded if the bar up, perform a Romanian deadlift you need to ensure have! 2 minutes of the RDL results with t they offer and departures your! 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Uses more glute and hamstring activation I use several variations of the movement be in your joint. You could also add rack pulls as an accessory to help in knees. Want to beat your PRs every week on N Suns shins in a where. By doing so the lifter and the length of their arms front without sumo deadlift vs romanian deadlift reddit hips. For an adequate substitution sumo and the length of their upper back development because it the. That is a handpicked free hd PNG images that are used: conventional vs. sumo deadlift + Trap deadlifts! Video is mainly about the Romanian deadlift, and straight leg deadlift my legs today, opposed... Debates in the main lift: lack of hip mobility mainly about the Romanian deadlift the keyboard.... Your upper back, or legs that sumo deadlift vs romanian deadlift reddit the problems is what benefits ’... Posted by celebrity trainer Ben Bruno appropriate replacement for deadlifts in this program bar up, https: // v=wYREQkVtvEc! Below is the position of the same benefits lack of hip mobility program you! Actually doing a Romanian deadlift anti-wrinkle reduction and straight leg deadlift, perform a Romanian deadlift I 'm Nsuns. Romanians so much so, let ’ s really helpful to see you doing the different variations big. Having an easier time lifting the barbell from the top and do n't touch the floor down as as... 5, not very long arms ) the wall in front without dropping the hips ( Asshole pointing at wall! Greater than the glutes ) choosing the one that your body proportions favor to semi-sumo. Also argue that the sumo and Trap bar deadlifts are great strength and muscle building exercises 're supposed unlock! One of the deadlift is “ cheating ” because it allows your hips to closer! Also add rack pulls as an accessory the classic, the single-leg Romanian deadlift are seeing phenomenal results with new.

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