problem solving and decision making process in project management leadership

As a situation becomes more urgent, it requires more specific decision-making methods and types of communication. Group member personalities can be categorized based on where they fall on a continuum anchored by the following descriptors: dominant/submissive, friendly/unfriendly, and instrumental/emotional (Cragan & Wright, 1999). To help avoid an unnecessarily long discussion, it may be useful to go from one person to the next to ask which ideas need clarifying and then go to the originator(s) of the idea in question for clarification. Whereas the first step involved exploring the “what” related to the problem, this step focuses on the “why.” At this stage, group members can discuss the potential causes of the difficulty. The main disadvantage of heterogeneous groups is the possibility for conflict, but given that all groups experience conflict, this isn’t solely due to the presence of diversity. Some people use a systematic, rational approach. Group members can more easily make decisions about a problem when other groups have similarly experienced it. Decisions are based on the beliefs, values and previous experiences of individuals. Valuable for many reasons – such as showing how you can coordinate, motivate and lead a successful team. Employees may need additional training. In other cases, outside forces determine the group’s fate. At the end of this stage, the group should be able to compose a single sentence that summarizes the problem called a problem statement. Borrow ideas from other places and companies. To successfully use this method, the person wearing the Blue Hat should be familiar with different sequences and plan some of the thinking patterns ahead of time based on the problem and the group members. In this section, we will discuss the group problem-solving process, methods of decision making, and influences on these processes. Delbecq, A. L., and Andrew H. Ven de Ven, “A Group Process Model for Problem Identification and Program Planning,” The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 7, no. Occasionally, this is true, but most times, it is important to identify possible alternatives. What have we already tried to address this problem? Each person shouldn’t do all that work on his or her own but help focus the group’s attention on his or her specific area during group meetings (Stanton, 2009). Group decision making can appear fair and democratic but really only be a gesture that covers up the fact that certain group members or the group leader have already decided. To do this, group members may ask, “Does this solution live up to the original purpose or mission of the group?” and “Can the solution actually be implemented with our current resources and connections?” and “How will this solution be supported, funded, enforced, and assessed?” Secondary tensions and substantive conflict, two concepts discussed earlier, emerge during this step of problem solving, and group members will need to employ effective critical thinking and listening skills. State The Problem - The first and the most important step in the decision making process is to identify the problem. Two extreme approaches restrain a creative and constructive change: • Rigid resistance to change • Rapid and disruptive change Both approaches may prevent individuals from seeing all the essential details of the conflict or problem situation, and how they interface and form a whole. In decision-making, the problem is not merely of taking a correct decision. Your creative side is most useful in identifying new or unusual alternatives. Discuss the various influences on decision making. OD Problem Solving Process based on Edgar H. Schein’s Approach. Give yourself permission to think of ideas that seem foolish or that appear to break the rules. It’s frustrating to get to a crucial point in building or fixing something only to realize that you have to unscrew a support board that you already screwed in, have to drive back to the hardware store to get something that you didn’t think to get earlier, or have to completely start over. Decision Making is a process of selection from a set of alternative courses of action, which is thought to fulfill the objectives of the decision problem more satisfactorily than others. What if we could organize a festival? Even if the problem is complex and serious, the group can learn from other situations and apply what it learns. Define the problem by considering the three elements shared by every problem: the current undesirable situation, the goal or more desirable situation, and obstacles in the way (Adams & Galanes, 2009). Once the hard work of defining the problem and determining its causes has … Which combination of hats do you think would be best for a critical thinking sequence? Communication in the Real World by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Describe the process you typically follow to make a decision about a plan of action. I’ve recently taken up some carpentry projects as a functional hobby, and I have developed a great respect for the importance of advanced planning. Group members from low-power-distance cultures would likely freely speak their mind during a group meeting and prefer a participative leadership style. You can pick from three options – autocratic, consultative, and collaborative. Every problem has common components: an undesirable situation, a desired situation, and obstacles between the undesirable and desirable situations. Problem-Solving . Possible solutions for the first part of the problem (How can citizens report ethical violations?) Risk is made up of two parts: the probability of something going wrong, and the negative consequences if it does. 7. Too often, you can get stuck in a pattern of thinking that has been successful in the past. Studies show that the most successful people failed a lot. I’m sure we’ve all reached a point in a project or task and had the “OK, now what?” moment. may include “daily by a newly appointed ethics officer, weekly by a nonpartisan nongovernment employee,” and so on. With major decisions, this may involve detailed planning to ensure that all parts of the operation are informed of their part in the change. Although the steps of problem solving and decision making that we will discuss next may seem obvious, we often don’t think to or choose not to use them. The method’s popularity lies in its ability to help people get out of habitual ways of thinking and to allow group members to play different roles and see a problem or decision from multiple points of view. Lawrence R. Frey (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1999), 133. Table 14.1 “Pros and Cons of Agreement-Based Decision-Making Techniques”,, Next: Chapter 15: Media, Technology, and Communication, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The questions you might ask include: For example, the apprentice you supervise comes to you saying that the electric warming oven is not working properly. Part of our manage in a minute series, you can read this article to gain fresh perspectives and challenge current practice by asking 5 crucial problem solving questions. Of the three main problems facing group presenters, which do you think is the most challenging and why? Finding a suitable solution for issues can be accomplished by following the basic four-step problem-solving process and methodology outlined below. The outcomes may give valuable advice about the decision-making process, the appropriateness of the choice, and the implementation process itself. Walk us through the process you followed to make your decision about the appropriate direction to choose that had the best chance of a positive outcome. Problems of all sorts have three common components (Adams & Galanes, 2009): Discussion of these three elements of a problem helps the group tailor its problem-solving process, as each problem will vary. So the size of a group is a powerful situational influence, as it adds to uncertainty and complicates communication. Ask group members to remain silent once they’ve finished their list so they do not distract others. Practicing with visual aids and having one person control them may help prevent this. The basic idea is that each of the six hats represents a different way of thinking, and when we figuratively switch hats, we switch the way we think. In a group composed of people from a collectivistic culture, each member would likely play harmonizing roles, looking for signs of conflict and resolving them before they become public. We decide to eat. Access to information also influences a group. Before implementation, groups should also determine how and when they would assess the effectiveness of the solution by asking, “How will we know if the solution is working or not?” Since solution assessment will vary based on whether or not the group is disbanded, groups should also consider the following questions: If the group disbands after implementation, who will be responsible for assessing the solution? IntroductionTo solve seemingly impossible problems, you can't always make a "best guess" and hope for the best. The facilitator then takes up the secret ballots and reviews them in a random order, noting the rankings of each idea. Personality affects decision making. Test - What is Your Personal Decision-Making Style?Guidelines to Rational Problem Solving and Decision Making Rational Versus Organic Approach to Problem Solving and Decision MakingGeneral Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision Making Various Methods and Tools for Problem Solving and Decision Making General Resources for Problem Solving and Decision Making Also consider Related Library Topics(Also see the closely related topics Decision Makin… This could manifest in behaviors such as establishing norms that include periods of socializing to build relationships before task-oriented communication like negotiations begin or norms that limit public disagreement in favor of more indirect communication that doesn’t challenge the face of other group members or the group’s leader. The quality of the decision and its fairness really depends on the designated expert or authority. Group members from low-context cultures often say what they mean and mean what they say. The ability to make informed, timely, and effective decisions is a key competency of the project manager. Is this a problem in itself or a symptom of a deeper, underlying problem? While there are several fairly similar models for problem solving, there are many varied decision-making techniques that groups can use. Successful managers, leaders, and entrepreneurs all understand the importance of failure, indeed they are mastered in failing but: they have learned to move on; and 1 Have you got a problem to solve or a decision to make? Others are more intuitive. Both of these tendencies create a perception that men are more engaged with the task. (Santa Rosa, CA: Burgess CA, 1988), 112–13. Group communication researchers have found that heterogeneous groups (composed of diverse members) have advantages over homogenous (more similar) groups. This could manifest in behaviors such as dividing up tasks into individual projects before collaboration begins and then openly debating ideas during discussion and decision making. Before a group makes a decision, it should brainstorm possible solutions. As you read through the steps in the process, think about how you can apply what we learned regarding the general and specific elements of problems. Principles of Organization and Time Management, 22. Start studying Chapter 1: Decision Making, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking, and Clinical Reasoning: Requisites for Successful Leadership and Management. (St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1991), 77–78. Most groups do not use a specific method of decision making, perhaps thinking that they’ll work things out as they go. A show-of-hands vote, a paper ballot, or an electronic voting system can determine the majority choice. In order to effectively manage and run a successful organization, leadership must guide their employees and develop problem-solving techniques. There are two main types of decision makers. Pause to Assess Decision-Making Quality. Whenever you have implemented a decision, you need to evaluate the results. A deliberate approach is especially beneficial for groups that do not have an established history of working together and will only be able to meet occasionally. Even though we know that the relational elements of a group are crucial for success, even in high-performance teams, that work is not as valued in our society as the task-related work. In terms of introductions, figure out if one person will introduce all the speakers at the beginning, if speakers will introduce themselves at the beginning, or if introductions will occur as the presentation progresses. Once a number of ideas have been generated, you need to assess each of them to see how effective they might be in addressing the problem. Gather all the facts and understand their causes. Cultural influences on decision making include the heterogeneity or homogeneity of the group makeup; cultural values and characteristics such as individualism/collectivism, power distance, and high-/low-context communication styles; and gender and age differences. Stanton, C., “How to Deliver Group Presentations: The Unified Team Approach,” Six Minutes Speaking and Presentation Skills, November 3, 2009, accessed August 28, 2012, Can the problem be seen as an opportunity? The most effective leaders understand that problem solving is not a "one-size-fits-all" process. This ease of communication can make group work more efficient, but the homogeneity may sacrifice some creativity. As you’ll recall, brainstorming refers to the quick generation of ideas free of evaluation. Managerial decision making and problem solving are complex processes with opportunity to self-handicap aplenty. Tacit knowledge is often used to fill the gaps in complex decision making processes. This is how FLIGBY unconsciously teaches new management and leadership skills and styles, teaches to accept failure as part of a learning process, and master in people management … Additionally, people with high ICC can also adapt to a group member with a different cultural orientation than the host culture. They go with their emotions or a gut feeling about the right approach. Since many problems are multifaceted, it is necessary for group members to generate solutions for each part of the problem separately, making sure to have multiple solutions for each part. Decision making skills enable a manager to consider alternatives and use judgement to choose an appropriate and timely course of action. Which would be the most challenging? As a note to facilitators, some group members may begin to edit their list or self-censor when asked to provide one of their ideas. Today, researchers and theorists know that those at the top cannot accurately gather or predict all … These decision categories often get overlooked, in our experience, because organizational complexity, murky accountabilities, and information overload have conspired to create messy decision-making processes in many companies. Consequently, as organizations increasingly depend on new products and processes to fuel their future, creative problem-solving stands as a critical leadership … From the beginning, it should be clearly communicated that the group needs to spend considerable time in face-to-face meetings, and group members should know that they may have to make an occasional sacrifice to attend. Define the problem by creating a problem statement that summarizes it. During the fourth step, members use a voting ballot to rank the acceptability of the ideas on the master list. For example, if you do not handle customer complaints promptly, the customer is likely to become even more annoyed. Who/what is involved? Once the problem is identified, an effective solution is determined. Evaluate the solutions based on their credibility, completeness, and worth. In what ways might developing a master presentation and then assigning parts to different speakers be better than the more divided method? 3. If the decision is correct but the time is inopportune, it will not serve any purpose. Although a group should attend to each step of the process, group leaders or other group members who facilitate problem solving should be cautious not to dogmatically follow each element of the process or force a group along. 3. Definitions of Decision-making. Despite its age, this model remains a valuable approach to problem solving. In general, group members have an easier time communicating when they are more similar than different in terms of race and age. When a designated expert makes a decision by minority rule, there may be buy-in from others in the group, especially if the members of the group didn’t have relevant knowledge or expertise. A long-studied typology of value orientations that affect decision making consists of the following types of decision maker: the economic, the aesthetic, the theoretical, the social, the political, and the religious (Spranger, 1928). The results of such thinking include the combined bar and laundromat and the coffee places with Internet access for customers. The most effective method uses both rational and intuitive or creative approaches. For example, how might a group’s independence or access to resources affect the decisions they make? This decision-making method has been praised because it allows group members to “switch gears” in their thinking and allows for role playing, which lets people express ideas more freely. Leaders can be instrumental in establishing. may include “online reporting system, e-mail, in-person, anonymously, on-the-record,” and so on. Preparing a Short- and Long-Term Career Plan. For example, decisions made by an elected authority may be more accepted by those who elected him or her than by those who didn’t. Decision making is the process of decision making through decision making. Decision making on building design and construction projects - Designing Buildings Wiki - Share your construction industry knowledge. While these three general elements are present in each problem, the group should also address specific characteristics of the problem. The Problem-Solving Process. Think about or brainstorm possible options and solutions. Keep track of how many times each idea comes up, as that could be an idea that warrants more discussion. In the United States, economic, political, and theoretical decision making tend to be more prevalent decision-making orientations, which likely corresponds to the individualistic cultural orientation with its emphasis on competition and efficiency. Demographic changes in the United States and increases in technology that can bring different people together make it more likely that we will be interacting in more and more heterogeneous groups (Allen, 2011). Combined with the parallel thinking process, this technique helps groups think more effectively. The nominal group technique guides decision making through a four-step process that includes idea generation and evaluation and seeks to elicit equal contributions from all group members (Delbecq & Ven de Ven, 1971). Group members from individualistic cultures are more likely to value task-oriented, efficient, and direct communication. The origin and urgency of a problem are also situational factors that influence decision making. Employment Standards for B.C. Implementing the solution requires some advanced planning, and it should not be rushed unless the group is operating under strict time restraints or delay may lead to some kind of harm. With majority rule, only a majority, usually one-half plus one, must agree before a decision is made. It is these gendered behaviors, and not a person’s gender, that seem to have more of an influence on perceptions of group communication. Allen, B. J., Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity, 2nd ed. Problem solving and decision making belong together. Based on your preferred ways of thinking and your personality, which hat would be the best fit for you? Now, instead of biological sex being assumed as a factor that creates inherent communication differences, group communication scholars see that men and women both exhibit a range of behaviors that are more or less feminine or masculine. Spending more time searching for alternatives and weighing their consequences can really pay off. 2 (1999): 242–63. The problems that groups face are varied, but some common problems include budgeting funds, raising funds, planning events, addressing customer or citizen complaints, creating or adapting products or services to fit needs, supporting members, and raising awareness about issues or causes. A decision is a process that takes place prior to the actual performance of a course of action that has been chosen. In terms of transitions, make sure each person has included in his or her speaking notes when presentation duties switch from one person to the next. Self-Handicapping in the Managerial Decision Making Process. Today, however, generations interact regularly, and it is not uncommon for an older person to have a leader or supervisor who is younger than him or her (Allen, 2011). Osborn, A. F., Applied Imagination (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1959). Updated August 16, 2014 Conflict management, problem solving and decision making are topics that are generally considered to be distinct, but are actually interconnected such that they are used together to come up with the most feasible solution. Decision-making skills are the processes we use to make choices about the direction we want to point our organizations in. In th… Only when there is a clear understanding of the problem or decision to be … Conditions change with time and require adaptation and creativity. Read our article: decision making problems to find out when you don’t have a problem to solve. The main problems facing a group giving a presentation are (1) dividing responsibilities, (2) coordinating schedules and time management, and (3) working out the logistics of the presentation delivery. You cannot solve a problem without making a decision. (Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 2004), 292. SWOT Analysis. You cannot solve a problem without making a decision. What was I (or others) doing at the time the problem occurred? Some cultures have a high-context communication style in which much of the meaning in an interaction is conveyed through context such as nonverbal cues and silence. Decision-making skills are the processes we use to make choices about the direction we want to point our organizations in. Table 14.1 “Pros and Cons of Agreement-Based Decision-Making Techniques” reviews the pros and cons of each of these methods. There are also more complex decision-making models like the “six hats method,” which we will discuss later. Some groups have to go through multiple approval processes before they can do anything, while others are self-directed, self-governing, and self-sustaining. Haslett, B. Many factors influence the decision-making process. Consider and compare the 'pros and cons' of each option - consult others if necessary or useful - and for bigger complex decisions where there are several options, create a template which enables measurem… Once a solution has been reached and the group has the “green light” to implement it, it should proceed deliberately and cautiously, making sure to consider possible consequences and address them as needed. Table 14.1 Pros and Cons of Agreement-Based Decision-Making Techniques. In short, it seems that although masculine communication traits are more often associated with high status positions in groups, both men and women adapt to this expectation and are evaluated similarly (Haslett & Ruebush, 1999). You will have to work much harder to get a satisfactory solution. a process facilitator role. Without strategy, change is merely substitution, not evolution. may include “by a newly appointed ethics commission, by the accused’s supervisor, by the city manager,” and so on. Turn the problem upside down. For example, walk through the local shopping mall trying to find ways to apply everything you see to the problem. For each of the two following scenarios, discuss how the situational context created by these variables might affect the group’s communication climate and the way it goes about addressing its problem. This paper outlines a decision making technique designed to integrate objective fact-based analysis with subjective human-centric input, in order to produce outcomes that potentially satisfy both the practical and emotional project related needs of stakeholders. Integrating content and visual aids created by several different people into a seamless final product takes time and effort, and the person “stuck” with this job at the end usually ends up developing some resentment toward his or her group members. An obvious negative consequence of this method is that the needs or wants of one person can override the needs and wants of the majority. They know that their actions depend on the situation, and they make better decisions by … You cannot solve a problem without making a decision. Know how long your presentation is and know how you’re going to use the space. A small group formed to investigate ethical violations of city officials could use the following problem statement: “Our state does not currently have a mechanism for citizens to report suspected ethical violations by city officials.”. Since everyone contributes to the discussion, this method can also help reduce instances of social loafing. Problem solving differs fundamentally from decision making. Another situational influence is uncertainty. You may think you know, but you need to check it out. Since women have primarily performed secretarial work since the 1900s, it may also be expected that women will play the role of recorder. What problems emerge from this method? As was noted earlier, it may be beneficial for groups to poll those who will be affected by the solution as to their opinion of it or even to do a pilot test to observe the effectiveness of the solution and how people react to it. Good decision making will help you solve problems, build solutions, and build skills. The problem-solving process involves thoughts, discussions, actions, and decisions that occur from the first consideration of a problematic situation to the goal. While it may be easier for a group to assign each member to create a five-minute segment and then transition from one person to the next, this is definitely not the most engaging method. Access to archives, electronic databases, and individuals with relevant experience is necessary to obtain any relevant information about similar problems or to do research on a new or unique problem. Just like neighborhoods, schools, and countries, small groups vary in terms of their degree of similarity and difference. By postponing a decision, you may eliminate a number of options and alternatives. Perhaps you could see the bicycle race as an opportunity for business rather than as a problem. Conversely, men who take on social-emotional leadership behaviors adopt a more feminine communication style. Additionally, people from cultures that value individualism are more likely to openly express dissent from a decision, essentially expressing their disagreement with the group. 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