landing a pharmacy fellowship

Be the 15%. In each case I was given an itinerary for the day listing each person that I would be meeting, for how long, details on the presentation I was expected to give, and any other logistic information about the day. Residencies provide pharmacists experiences in the integration of pharmacy services with the needs of different practice settings. This is about you finding a program that is right for you, not just a program! Contact your registrar for instructions on how to obtain these. Seriously. This comes with the added bonus of dramatically improving your odds of finding and landing a position that you enjoy! Required fields are marked *. We have already seen the 15% figure–but to give you an idea of my experience as a recruiter for my own position last year: I had 18 first-round interview spots and 10 second-round interview spots, based on the time my team was able to be there. As an added bonus, these conversations may pay dividends if you choose to apply to their program later. Residents work with our expert faculty at a number of different facilities, including the University of Maryland Medical Center and the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center . Selecting a career path that is right for you can be challenging. The number of graduating pharmacists is increasing quickly and is outpacing the number of jobs available. Working with the team, fellows will establish an individualized plan that aligns with their career, teaching, and research goals. Mind that none of these attributes are need-to-have (when I am recruiting at least) but that different programs will weigh some attributes differently. Begin getting recommendations nailed down 6-8 weeks before PPS. Each company was a little different but all of them followed the itinerary to a tee and were largely focused on getting to know you as a person, what your goals are, and assessing your fit based on what the program has to offer. Although in-depth CV advice is beyond the scope of this article I have written extensively on the subject; click here for an in-depth look (coming soon). Generally, you only need a CV to apply for an interview (though this does vary so again, be sure to read the job description thoroughly). We interviewed 3 on-site (a typical number; about 1/30) and ultimately selected 1 candidate for the position. NMS works with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) on the design, delivery, and execution of the ASHP Match. Most, if not all, of these candidates are soon-to-be-PharmDs with similar student organizations, clinical rotations, an industry internship, leadership experience, etc. While the degree to which GPA is weighed may certainly vary from program to program, academic strength is usually very low on the list of qualifications fellowship recruiters are looking for, especially since we would typically not receive a transcript until you have been invited for an on-site interview. PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Sugar Land: Program Leadership and Preceptor Biographies | Houston Methodist A COVID-19 vaccine is currently only available to priority at-risk individuals. More on ONCOgen: What Is Context-Free Grammar? Focus on questions that let you learn about quality of life, where past fellows have ended up, mentorship and leadership opportunities, and subjective questions that each interviewer can respond to, including: And the list goes on and on. Generally, stronger fellowship candidates had stronger academic qualifications as well; however, this is correlation, not causation. Regardless, you should have a variety of possible letters available to you. Honestly not thinking too hard about this helped me a great deal. Remember, if you have made it to this stage: they want to hire you. The Academic Fellowship Program at the Washington State University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (CPPS) is a mentored post-graduate training program that prepares fellows for a career in pharmacy education delivery and research. As one of my interviewers put it while I was there, “The fact that you are here at all indicates that you can absolutely excel at this job. Registering for PPS costs a little extra and you must be registered for the main MidYear meeting. I phone screened 56 people (an absurd number, in hindsight). a letter sent in with your interview request (phase 1), a letter sent in with your formal application at the on-site interview stage (phase 2). I was careful to emphasize my experiences and what made me stand out (all of those important questions above!) Congrats! If you are lucky and receive an offer, congrats! regulatory or medical affairs or drug safety etc.) Excellent written and verbal communication skills are also essential. Second Lesson: the significant importance of a thoughtful consideration of your story and using that as the foundation for your application materials. What Pharmacy Students Need to Know to Land Their Dream Residency Part II. Reviewers typically give you less than 10 seconds to decide whether it is worth looking further. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They understand that you are pursuing other opportunities! The standard application deadline is February 28, 2021. Be yourself, have fun, and ask questions. Additionally, faculty within the college are nationally recognized for their scholarship of teaching and learning. Compensation is still of the table. Find your hook. Ask them before you leave! When in doubt refer to Section I. About 1 in 10 would get a second-round interview. Each of my programs provided specific details about what they were looking for and they were conveniently very similar: ~15 minute presentation on an industry relevant topic. That said, these unique aspects of yourself should be a part of your story. To put this in perspective, there were approximately 1.5 applicants per available PGY1. I had my profile set up and CV uploaded and ready to go. Parkland offers five pharmacy residency programs with a focus on providing the highest quality pharmacy services to patients in the safest and most cost-effective manner. Now you have ended in a situation where you have nothing. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback. The company you are asking may say yes, but don’t be offended if they tell you that the date is the date, either. If you are interested in attending, please use the Microsoft Forms link on our website to sign up for your preferred dates and times. To illustrate, let me share some real answers to related questions that I and my team received during the recruitment process that indicated that the candidate did not adequately answer this question for themselves. Who makes up the team I would be working with? Ask them if it is possible to provide a decision on your candidacy more quickly. If you are able to cast your net further afield from the place where you currently go to pharmacy school (this is not always possible in cases of family, children, or spouses), you may markedly improve your chances of landing a residency--particularly if you live in a large metropolitan area with lots of nearby pharmacy schools. If you have spent time with the rest of what has been written here, you have your story, done your research, and you’ve spent time understanding your experiences, motivations, challenges, and successes, this may be fairly straightforward for you. (specific to my interests, what I was talking about with computer science as these are plausible alternative careers). For many programs, cover letters at the interview application stage though PPS are optional. Residency training is challenging but immensely rewarding and you will find yourself a better person at the end of … One of the most common questions I receive is related to the anxiety about receiving an offer from a second or lower choice program well before having the chance to interview or receive an offer with a first choice program. At this stage it is appropriate to ask more questions about living arrangements, the city, what they do for fun, logistic things like the commute and public transportation, etc. This waiting period is the absolute worst part. Unlike the residency application process where there exists a standardized form and a centralized system–letters of recommendations for fellowships are usually e-mailed directly to a representative at the program. While I did go to some residency showcases just to chat, see Peyton Manning, and go to various CE sessions, my focus was entirely on PPS and my interviews. Engage to your comfort level. They are rarely read (though I read all of the ones I received); do not worry about not including a cover letter with your applications. The second, on the other hand, tells me that you have thought through what your interests and goals are, considered the type of work that would be a good fit, that you have done the legwork to know that this program/position/company is a place that will allow you to reach your goals, and that we can have a mutually beneficial relationship. Katie Brinn is one of at least four members of the Class of 2020 who have landed prestigious industry fellowships. Most programs will require that you provide 2-4 letters of recommendation, usually at the on-site stage following PPS. Once you accept an offer, be sure to notify any programs that you have upcoming interviews with that you are withdrawing your application and allows them to invite someone else and avoids wasting their time. Where do you want to be/what do you want to be doing in 5 years? Curriculum Vitae (CV) 3. If your program requires a physical copy be mailed to them, contact your registrar’s office the same day to start this process–the stress of waiting for someone else to mail a transcript is not worth procrastinating until the last minute and depending on your institution, may take much longer than you expect. Other things to consider: all the programs I applied for did not require becoming licensed, only that you hold a PharmD. Additional information can be found on program specific pages and many, many other sources. That doesn’t mean there aren’t mitigation strategies. managed care) internships, rotations, or other experiences, one or more leadership positions in a student organization(s) with several related organizational accomplishments, one or more relevant personal or research projects, use your school’s alumni network. Do not be afraid to ask if there is a scheduling conflict or other issues that arise. It goes without saying that you should have a baseline familiarity with the company, their pipeline, recent events that affect them (subscribe to FiercePharma), not because they will necessarily ask questions about these things (though I have heard that) but because incorporating these into your responses to questions or just in conversation is a big plus! Authored By: Douglas Jennings, Pharm.D., FCCP, FAHA, BCPS-AQ Cardiology It tells me that here is as good a place as any. Angela Stewart, PharmD, BCPS Consider contacting me. UK Medical Center We respectfully acknowledge the Elders and Traditional Owners of the land on which our building stands, which is the traditional territory of the Osage , Shawnee , Cherokee , Adena , and Hopewell peoples. decreases the care you take with and lowers the quality of each individual application, reduces your ability to properly prepare for each interview and lowers the quality of each individual interview, decreases the likelihood that you will have any time to breathe between interviews increasing the likelihood that you are late, out of breath, or unprepared (see, dramatically increases the workload and stress level of this already hectic period, which increases the likelihood that you make a stupid, avoidable mistake, increases the likelihood of burnout and reduces your ability to focus on the programs that matter most, increases the likelihood of interview or reception scheduling conflicts with other programs, Two I was very, very interested in and hit all of my requirements (one-year programs), Two that were a good fit, hitting most of my requirements (one year, one two-year), One that I would be happy with (two-year), One “backup” that I would do well at if I received an offer and felt confident about my ability to make it to the onsite phase (two-year). Primary mentor: Kimberly McKeirnan Secondary mentors: Julie Akers and Jennifer Robinson, Academic fellow, Yakima She knows her stuff. Finding a positive answer to this question that speaks specifically to you, your experiences, and your goals will inform everything you do and help you find a program that is a good match for what you really want. Why am I going to go through this? DOWNLOAD HI-RES / PHOTO DETAILS. You won’t always get a response, but I did fairly frequently and had some great conversations, look at program websites; many post names or current or past fellows. Learn more > If you don’t know which area you are interested in, try to get any experience you can. Prior to the meeting I frequently heard the advice that you are there to get a fellowship and screw everyone else. If they agree and they can accelerate their timeline that says a lot about them. applications, unless you are the world’s weakest candidate I do not believe that this will ultimately help your chances. Interviews are scheduled. Tell me about a time someone in your program blew you away. Be sure to check the job description for details. The reality is that overloading on applications is actually detrimental, as it: What many candidates fail to realize is that each application may come with as many as 3-4 interviews, a reception, and potentially even other activities that may be required. These programs are at PPS to recruit future fellows and they aren’t beating around the bush about it. Compare this to the historical residency match rate of about 70%; in 2017, of the candidates that matched: 58% matched with their first choice and 80% matched with one of their top two ranked … My goals were to assess the openness of the company to new ideas, its innovative spirit, the opportunities for horizontal development, and what cross-functional work looks like. Yakima For those you who attend the University of Michigan, please consider Dr. Kraft’s class P3 year is invaluable, as are most tips about interviews relevant to residency applications. I used a topic that was more relevant for companies in the oncology space, but still applicable elsewhere. With preparation the onsite interviews were actually one of the easier parts of the process. Show off a little! Targeting Your Applications and Requesting Interviews. What might be surprising is. Many programs do this similarly. Participating instructor for applied patient care labs (APC II, III and IV), Guest lecturer for Pharmacotherapy course series, Assistant facilitator for Pharmacy Healthcare Systems, Continuing education for Spokane Pharmacy Association, Situational Judgement Testing for Student Success and Professional Development course series. How can I apply that specifically to an industry career? Parking? When a recruiter is deciding between two otherwise identical candidates those seemingly small, interesting things matter. A handful of programs (not all), having made it to the onsite stage, requested a formal application, letters of recommendation, transcripts, or other documentation. About 15% of the CVs that I received were clearly never given a second read, with multiple prominent misspellings, unintelligible phrasing, or general poor grammar. There is a small waiting area inside the hall but outside the interview area with tables to rest, recoup, and wait for in-between interviews. Many recruiters will reject these out of hand, no matter how qualified you may otherwise be for the role. This information will help you work out what specialties you might be interested in (or in my case, open up more possibilities to pursue); here is a brief list of common fellowship foci to get you started: IV. Answering this question for yourself is the first step in developing your story–one that you will need to land a fellowship. In one case I was provided a rubric, stating that I would be graded on the quality and organization on content, speaking style and delivery, as well as ability to answer questions. Once again, please refer back to What are the odds here, really? Each program called me with either a “no” (which I appreciated just the same) or a “yes”, which is obviously the preferred option! Depending on the relative timing you can request an extension on the offer expiration date that allows you some more time to decide and potentially interview with your first choice program. What are your time management strategies? The Clinical Pharmacy Translational Sciences Post-Doctoral Fellowship is a formalized curriculum focused on mentored experiential research training. For example, here is a list of qualities that, often mentioned off-hand as part of an otherwise run-of-the-mill interview question that can make a big difference in differentiating yourself: This isn’t to say that your student organization or leadership experiences cannot be differentiating! By now you are probably wondering how this entire process works in the first place. As an example, my “thesis”–below–supported by a ream of experiences and projects to illustrate. Allows you to showcase your knowledge, interests, or projects that fall outside the scope of your CV or what might come up in an interview, Allows you to highlight your hook, tell your story, and importantly, tie these in directly with the business and patient-care interests of the company, Is a topic you know well and are comfortable discussing outside the scope of my presentation and answering questions about, and lets you be the expert in the room. Notably, your story will serve as the foundation of your applications and will inform the decisions you make about your curriculum vitae (CV), cover letters, answers to interview questions, questions you ask, what programs you apply to, and where you ultimately end up. Typically, less than 15% of fellowship applicants land a position, according to the best statistics that we have, and those are likely generous. Sure! Your short and long term goals should help guide … You are one of their top 5-10% of candidates! The first, and most important question is this: This question is deceptively simple. This is a matter of learning about who you are, what you want, and how well it aligns with our goals and what we have to offer you.”. The Financial Formulary: 7 Lessons Prescription Drugs Can Teach Us About Money, “My friend/roommate/second cousin is doing this”, I hate my job –> I need to get out –> this is anywhere else, I hate my job –> I need to get out –> what are my goals and interests –> what kinds of jobs match this –> where could I do those things –> here is a place that matches this kind of work –> now how do I get there, Teach for America, Doctors Without Borders, or similar, graphic design; video or music production, non-traditional pre-pharmacy undergraduate degree (e.g. At this stage, a good cover letter can help you just as much as a bad cover letter can hurt you. The Air Force Pharmacy Residency Program pharmacists pose with Lt. Col. Derek Underhill, left center, Customer Pharmacy Operations Center branch chief, for a group photo at DLA Troop Support, Feb. 7, 2018 in Philadelphia. This is one area where starting the pursuit earlier can be beneficial. Pharmacy fellowship and pharmacy residency are the two primary means for pharmacists to obtain post-graduate training. My response to this is always bird in the hand. The priority application deadline is December 11, 2020. Immediately, the math is obvious: about 1 in 5 people who applied for an interview would ultimately get one at MidYear. Most programs are looking to determine who they will be bringing for on-site interviews at their company campus. Following each onsite interview I either sent thank you emails to each of my interviewers or mailed them a personalized thank you card based on the decision timeline. Plus it is just less stressful. Hotels were prearranged and specific instructions for reimbursement for other expenses were provided in each case. Draw them where you want them to go so they see what you want them to see. Outside of our innovative assessment and curricular delivery approaches, the college provides numerous faculty development opportunities around teaching and learning. Not only is this very rude, but depending on the timing you may have left that program without any options, leaving their program potentially unfilled. In addition, the college has implemented an active learning classroom approach to distance education. I made a point of asking when I could expect to hear back at each onsite. At the completion of this fellowship, the participant will be well-positioned to assume a clinical-track faculty member’s role in a Doctor of Pharmacy program. Don’t think you have one? After filtering Rutgers out about 100 fellowship programs remained. Even if you just really, really hate your job, I hope you’ll think about what you want to do instead and why. Part of the benefit of finding your hook and focusing on your differentiating experiences is the benefit of further standing out as an already strong applicant and leveling the playing field a bit if you are not so lucky. Our program offer residents the … You do; think hard! Roughly, the application timeline looks like this: On-site interviews generally take place anywhere from the week following the MidYear meeting through the end of February, though most take place in January. I hope you are now realizing the importance of a polished CV now, as that is often the only tool that reviewers have to make an interview determination. Usually, about 50% of the interview was time for me to ask questions. Some people deliver cards onsite, others mail them following PPS. Your Curriculum Vitae, or: How to Make a Good First Impression and Not Shoot Yourself in the Foot. Applicants applying for these fellowships must have a degree in pharmacy or health-related discipline and have some research experience (preference will be given to those with a high academic standing). clinical preceptor, industry preceptor, and professor); however, most only expect that you provide a certain number. All programs that did second round interviews invited me to one. This post is meant to assist in differentiating the options. How do you learn more? Practically, attending PPS is a requirement to obtain a fellowship, for better or worse. A residency or post-graduate training experience is not required for acceptance into the program. Food nearby is expensive (it was Vegas + conference hall after all) so I brought snacks (peanuts, protein bars, etc.). When an interviewer inevitably asks you “Why are you pursuing a fellowship?” and “What appeals to you about our program specifically?” consider the difference in the quality of the responses based on the second line of thinking versus the first. There are often multiple rounds, receptions, and possibly other requirements, though these can vary widely by company (so pay attention, as these are generally communicated very clearly). If you made the decision to pursue a fellowship a little later. In part, please review “What are my odds here, really?” above. If you do well, your reward is more anxiety and some long plane rides to on-site interviews. These are your “reach” programs that should be at or beyond what you think would be reasonable for you to apply to based on your strength as a candidate. Compare this to the historical residency match rate of about 70%; in 2017, of the candidates that matched: 58% matched with their first choice and 80% matched with one of their top two ranked programs [detail]. I did my best to not hold my breath too hard (though it is hard not to be nervous!). But you will get through it! Residencies within the U-M Health System offer 10 one-month rotations in different departments. 110 Questions UCSF Students Were Asked in a Residency Interview This list of residency interview questions is the result of one of Phi Lambda Sigma (PLS), Beta Beta Chapter’s professional development initiatives for fellow UCSF School of Pharmacy students. Don’t be afraid to check in every once in a while–especially with current fellows to ask how their program is evolving. In our model, students in Spokane and Yakima complete the same pre-class materials and then attend class at their respective location. Your story is the confluence of your experiences, skills, and interests that will ultimately inform how you approach the rest of the this process. Pharmacy Residency Webinars All webinar sessions will be conducted via Webex. Think about your eyeballs. As invitations roll in (or don’t!) If granted, you get a time to interview. Hopefully my journey helps you navigate your own! I developed software that generates clinical trial abstracts so I brought copies to show my interviewers. The college has adopted a competency-based assessment method that provides students with multiple attempts to demonstrate competence and provides a framework for student re-engagement. are all good options. I was waiting on bated breath with every phone call carrying with it the potential to be a great or terrible moment. Considering how fast the turnaround is for getting onsite interviews it seemed more sensible to me to go chat in person wherever possible. Possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, professionalism and leadership. Pharmacy Residencies Partnering with the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, we offer multiple residency options. Phew, that is a lot. I have seen many people panic about this step: chances are you are underestimating yourself. As a consequence, they lacked a cohesive narrative that communicated a lackluster motivation for pursuing a fellowship at all, let alone why they felt they would be a good fit for my program. You will probably lose sleep, have your fair share of anxiety, and spend an enormous amount of time preparing. Generally, a PowerPoint was suggested and I was usually asked to send it to a coordinator ahead of time. Professional Development: Fellows engage in mentoring activities (education-based journal clubs, attend department meetings, and regular fellows’ meetings) outside of the instructional setting. Your email address will not be published. I will not lie: there was some intense self-reflection and considerable stress during this time. It goes without saying that logistic and compensation questions (how long, where, how much, benefits etc.) In general, you will only need a CV to apply through the PPS online portal and request interviews. These in-depth experiences lead to advanced practice skills and knowledge. Your managers, preceptors, professors, research or student organization advisors, etc. This is not an easy process. You have a small chance of getting these but it would be really awesome if you did. After spending about 2-3 hours weighing each of them against my requirements above, I identified 10 programs to pursue further. What are my goals, and what would an ideal program offer to get me there? Tell me what you know about medical affairs. Fellowships are hard to get. The College of Pharmacy offers two types of post-doctoral training: fellowships and residencies. Alright you’ve made it this far! safe(r) programs. Have someone else proofread it. You can register for PPS when you register for the MidYear meeting and the initial list of available positions becomes available in late October. Things to consider: all the requirements for employment at Washington state University, is! Have: Certainly less than residencies college are nationally recognized for their scholarship teaching... Possible letters available to you and the company to bring it up but could affect their work a in! While–Especially with current fellows by email ( remember those business cards? one-month rotations in different.. Program, youmusthold U.S. citizenship or permanent residency status to apply to their program is evolving screened 56 (. You should have a purpose and that purpose is getting you an interview to one with! Hurt you can accelerate their timeline that says a lot about them all programs that did second round invited. 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