beast academy vs rightstart math

She will sometimes need to show him the process of how he got there, but once he understands it, it’s solid. Beast Academy Math. . I recently learned about math competitions and came across AOPS and Beast Academy and became immediately disillusioned. I’d also recommend reading Arithmetic for Parents by Aharoni to help you as a teacher. I was wondering if beast academy is working toward doing there math for higher grade levels as well? Thank you so much for this website! Kids can’t just memorize procedures when they have to apply their learning to so many different situations. I try to read the book you recommended asap, hopefully it will help me in teaching them math. Some days, she’ll sit and want to read then practice with B.A. He did however LOVE all of the puzzle type questions. She gets A’s and as of her last standardized test, she is in the top 10% nationally. The primary learning tool is the AL Abacus, a specially designed two-sided abacus that is both kinesthetic and visual. But, I do think they can be good at it, understand it’s concepts, and still not like it; as long as they “get it.” Thanks, again. Beast Academy is not only a serious math curriculum: it’s the most challenging math program available for these grade levels. Description: Beast Academy is a conceptual math program intended to cover arithmetical topics (according to the publisher, it is “loosely based on the Common Core standards”) The program is written in comic book style, with plenty of problems and an online component, and is intended as a full math program (not a supplement). My son has been doing BA since 3A. He’s progressing through to 5th gr Math in CLE (but technically in 6th gr) but all joy is gone. So far, he’s taken pretests 2A and 2B. Overall, Beast Academy has far fewer basic computation problems than other curricula. Below you will find my Beast Academy Review and why we switched to this program! I often sat with him as he solved the more difficult problems in the practice book and solved them myself as well so we can compare answers and solution methods. It’s relaxed because the focus is on thinking deeply about fewer problems, without much routine practice. (I also hope to continue it during the summer.) Am I crazy to have him go back 3/4 of a year to try this?!?!?!? I like your books. HAHA! The Guide book is written in an engaging comic book style, and the Practice book provides over 400 problems ranging from introductory level exercises to very challenging puzzles and word problems. He’s completely different from my first born in that he’s never been one to push to “do school” and I’ve followed his lead on that. My favorite so far is the cover of Guide 3D: This is Guide 3D, and the monsters are watching…a movie in 3D! I know Singapore finishes teaching multiplication tables in grade 3 and some other fundamentals. I luckily stumbled upon BA earlier today as I was doing more research on a math program for my son. With that said, there is not a ton of variety in each book (we only bought one) and it is hard to know exactly which book to start with. Different programs just work better for different learning styles…and sometimes we just have to experiment before we know what works best. Thanks so much Kate, The prerequisites for Beast Academy 2A are quite simple: counting by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s beyond 100, addition and subtraction to 20, and the ability to solve simple word problems. I’d love your suggestions or recommendations! . I wish I’d found it sooner! If she ever had a day without the drama and wailing/gnashing of teeth then she could get two lessons done in about 15-20 minutes. This is so helpful, thank you! It’s a comprehensive curriculum for grades 2-5, with four guides and four practice books per grade. The only other books for grade schoolers I know that use this approach of giving a small number of “thinking problems” instead of reams of “just apply the formula” problems are the Ed Zuccaro’s Challenge Math books. So, Beast Academy seems to be guiding me into a deeper understanding of mathematics right along with my daughter! Beast might prove to be a good fit because it gives kids lots of practice with the facts and procedures, but in the context of more interesting problems. I know RS is recommended by MBtP, but my concern is that he will be coming out of 2 years of traditional math. (Use the search in the menu above to find my full review and description of Activities for the AL Abacus.) Sure, maybe only the top 5% can do this at the grade level listed, particularly if they have to unlearn a rote memorization method from previous math curricula or school, but if you wait a couple of years for reticent math learners, this is a great way to start from scratch for anyone (see so that they learn how to think and not just follow procedures. Can you recommend a preparatory curriculum? Notes in the guides show when the student should stop and complete the corresponding pages in the practice book. But partly it’s because he is VERY involved in the story and the characters so the math is kind of absorbed in the process of something that feels more like Harry Potter With Monsters. Discussion on our expectations of what learning really looks like vs what we’re comfortable with it looking like really rang true also. I think you’d probably want to look at the Levels 3&4 problems: Humbling as it is, she’ll sometimes spot the solution before I do! My youngest will be entering K this fall, and I’m torn between a lighthearted curriculum where he’s learning his numbers and values (like The Good and The Beautiful) and starting him with RS either midyear or for first grade. The Curriculum Choice. So, if you’d like to make sure your son has at least some exposure to those topics before starting it, I suggest using a few of the Key to Decimals and Key to Percents books. He can read and understand numbers into the quintillions. One thing I do notice with Beast Academy, however, it takes us a LOT longer to get through this curriculum than I’m used to. They would keep promoting him but he never seemed to really get the concepts. If she breezes through third grade math before the end of the year, we can start level 4 without additional costs. I get the sense that the main challenge that the Pre-algebra book provides isn’t so much the math content, but the new textbook format and the challenging problems. In this review, I’ll explain what makes Beast Academy so different from other programs and help you decide whether it’s a good fit for your family. It isn’t all the facts, but he seems to require “tricks” to come up with the answer for many of the facts. I was wondering what you think about startingbhim out in 3A. Either way is fine. I haven’t looked at Beast online in a lot of detail, but I’m with you–I trust AOPS to make good materials, and I wouldn’t hesitate to use it. Beast Academy is a comprehensive math curriculum for grades 3-6 that focuses on problem solving and critical thinking. I’m so glad that your daughter is discovering that math can be a fascinating journey rather than a dreary slog. I know you’ve said Chapter 1 of 3A is one of the toughest. Your son sounds like a perfect candidate for Beast Academy. If that sounds great to her, then go for it! I do have a question for you about Beast Academy. If Beast Academy doesn’t sound like fun for you and your child, don’t use it! Unfortunately, I don’t think it will work well for your 11yo. I definitely think you’re on the right track with that! Your review was excellent and I agree with all your points! I’m going to start his brother at 3A but I don’t know if that would be right for him. 48 talking about this. However, I can bundle my order (online and books). And it’s more focused on pure mathematics. My favorite resource for this is RightStart’s “Activities for the AL Abacus” book and worksheets. To challenge his lazy, I’d rather be playing video games but I can be pretty smart when I try, attitude and mind. Nearly any formal kindergarten and first grade program will prepare your child with these skills, so read my reviews of other excellent homeschool programs to find the one that will best fit your kindergartner or first grader. Wholeschoolers. I’d never heard of most of those words at the end of the first chapter either, and I majored in math! A fabulous conceptual, spiral program with lots of hands-on manipulatives, but also the biggest investment of time and money. i am not impressed by institutes like kumon ,eye level,best brains for that matter. In Beast Academy, all of the teaching is done in the guides and practice books, with no teacher’s guides. I just started going through the 2A book with my son, who likes it so far. Beast Academy provides a fun, rigorous, challenging, complete curriculum for aspiring math beasts. This is my honest opinion of the program; I was not paid or compensated in any way for the review. Visit to learn more about our Beast Academy Online learning system. (We actually started using your addition facts that stick book this summer because I thought she wasn’t getting it and she surprised me with how well she did. I think I’d put her in 3D so that she got some solid fraction work in before starting level 4. Sounds like BA will be a great fit for your 9yo! The books often provide multiple solutions to the problems to help kids learn to think flexibly about math. If your son passed the pre-test, I’d expect he’ll do just fine with Beast. I don’t think I can be consistent to get any math done with her without an actual curriculum so I would like a book she can go through. Each of the students and teachers has a distinct personality, with lots of humor sprinkled through the text. But somehow it’s really hard to watch a 7 year old do that and not tell them to stop fidgeting, look at the paper, and concentrate. I don’t want to do that to my son, so I’ve been looking for something both interesting and rigorous. I know they are new. Beast Academy is more like a fun book than a math curriculum, but it is still incredibly educational. is that I sit with my daughter and we talk through the challenging problems together, both working to see if we can figure it out. I’m a little hesitant to switch from something that works reasonably well, but I’m wondering if Beast would help spark that love for math, or if it would just frustrate us. I may be over thinking it but I don’t want to set her up to fail and I’m not even sure if she needs to take pre-algebra yet to excel in Advanced Math in 6th grade next year. Make sure you especially note that the first chapter in 3A is one of the hardest in the whole series, so feel free to skip the most difficult problems near the end of that chapter. They offer a excellent, challenging math curriculum for pre-algebra through calculus called Art of Problem Solving. I was definitely one of those advanced students who flew through my math and science courses, but then was aghast to realize that I didn’t actually know how to solve problems. Interestingly, I just noticed that in their FAQ they say essentially the same thing I just said, now if they would just change the back of the book to say that too since kids can take that sort of thing to heart (“I’m in 7th grade–I don’t want to use a 5th grade book!”): Hi Kate, Beast Academy is published by Art of Problem-Solving as a lead-in to their rigorous middle school and high school textbooks for advanced students. When I look back at my experience as a teacher, I also question a bit what I was trying to achieve. That being said, I really like the looks of BA. We have done Horizons math for K and 1st. After you go through that (perhaps it would take until about Christmas?) . I would start him in the lower level and he would be happy with that (he says it makes him feel smarter) and I’m hoping it will teach and challenge him from the time his parents and his school failed him and catch him up. What are your thoughts on starting her with BA? The only thing I would NOT do is try to do both in their entirety. And knowing AOPS, it’ll be a challenging and time-consuming course. I’m not affiliated with them in any way, so that’s an issue you’d need to raise with them. Now, however, I’m concerned that it may be too soon to go ahead with Pre-Algebra 1. hi Kate! He’s gotten very good, from what I can tell, at most of what they teach through first grade and is exceptionally motivated to do math (he cried once when he found out he missed a math class at the Russian School of Mathematics because he was sick). There are plenty of other excellent math curricula that follow a more traditional format. That’s wonderful that he enjoys math so much! So glad you enjoyed the episode, Danielle! This is a wonderful review, thank you! If we really wanted to build the next generation of technology innovators we would probably spend half of math class outside playing ultimate frisbee … and then go back inside and finish the problem set , I think y hit the nail on the head in your earlier post about how sometimes it’s better to solve just ONE problem. These problems aren’t just your typical word problems! I haven’t had a chance to hop on it myself yet, but I’m looking forward to it. Truthfully, I can’t always solve the harder problems without a glance at the answers in the back of the book!! Would BA be good? He has always been very “mathy” and had a mind for mental math. Thanks, Michelle! But when he gets it…its solidified. After all, most math curricula don’t include problems that start, The combined cost of a slingshot and a grapefruit is $23…, And I’ve certainly never seen any other math book that includes references to Alex Trebek, The Princess Bride, and Star Wars. He has to put the algorithm on paper to solve basic 2 digit addition & subtraction problems. Beast Academy materials cover the core fundamentals and then go well beyond these basics to present material at a deeper and more challenging level than a typical elementary-school math curriculum. Because of the mental math nature of Singapore, I had planned on starting him this year in that series, but I am now wondering if this product would be a better fit. He can certainly read along with your 9yo and enjoy the graphic novels, but it won’t have enough practice for him. The 9 yr old just needs to be let loose & I think BA will allow him to soar ( ecstatic mommy here!). I love Beast Academy, but I do agree that it is generally geared for pretty advanced math students. He dispises math. Wondering if it’s worth it to keep going with Singapore through grade 3 and then switch to Beast or go ahead and make the leap. (I personally use a very boring one, though, so I can’t vouch for it personally. But more practice with the multiplication facts has been essential for him, too. I’ll be posting much more on the math facts in September (and will be publishing a book for mastering the addition facts) so stay tuned for lots more math facts help soon. Nearly every year since second grade, the school would question whether to advance him and each year they did. My 8yr old just started using Beast Academy online (and doing the physical worksheets). But if you find that your kids are thriving on the level of challenge and that you’re able to help them along with the answer key, then full speed ahead! I have tried both A Beka Arithmetic (he hated it) and Saxon Intermediate, he hated at first but eventually got so he didn’t fight me as much every day. Several months back Anna wrote an article titled Beast Academy and Art of Problem Solving Reviews. Fortunately, I was able to limp through and complete my major, but it was a humbling experience. With my 7yo, we did Abeka in K and then moved to CLE for first grade. Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) Author Posts July 28, 2008 at 1:31 pm MangoMember Hi there, Wondering if … My son flew through 3A, mostly on his own, and I held the same expectations for 3B. WIll BA starting at level 5 wbe too much? I thought Beast might broaden their horizons and flip switches in their brains that even Singapore won’t. What do you think I should do? It was so fun to talk with Pam. Fully-illustrated guidebooks and workbooks for aspiring math beasts ages 8-13. He has really disliked every other math program that we have done (MUS and TT). The graphic novel guides are quite lovely, but you won’t need them if you’re doing the online program. I really appreciate that you take time to respond to the comments. That said, if you are used to handing your child a Kumon book and having them bang out 6 or 8 pages while you cook dinner … this a very different experience. Why is math so hard to decide on!? I have a 7.5 yo son whose mind loves solving problems and whizzes through his 2nd grade worksheets. So the monsters and humor and engaging characters definitely help ease the tension. I was trying to take advantage of summer break to really get some work in. LONG STORY BORING, I’m worried that Beast Academy might be for more advanced math students…if you disagree let me know. My son, who is 9 and has completed 3rd grade, is having some math difficulties. I enrolled her in Beast Academy as a refresher. I will do the placement tests but generally speaking, even with the introduction of multiplication this year while he’s in second grade, I assume 3A would still be a good place to start next year? Perhaps Math Mammoth? He’s excited to do BA, and to see himself as a Math Beast. I appreciate the comment about going slower as the lesson progresses. Beast Academy offers a full math curriculum for future math beasts. In the meantime, he is begging to start multiplication. My son was immediately ... Read moreHow I Schedule Beast Academy, in 5 Steps I’d definitely recommend doing some remediation before moving on. But alas, there are no comic books or monsters (and no plans to extend the Beast curriculum, sadly). You can also buy their full tests from previous years for only $2.50 once you figure out which level you want. Thanks! We just started a home school program with our 13 y/o daughter. I knew we needed something different. CLE) The 9yr old is mathy & sees the world in patterns, numbers, etc. Thanks! One more thing. For your kindergartner, I hear you on using a curriculum! I also have a rising first grader. Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links. She will be entering 2nd grade. Beast Academy is in illustrated full-color comic book style and the main characters are all monsters (or Beasts). I got Right Start after taking the quiz, but I just ordered Shiller Math. My son, who was so discouraged, has completely connected with it, and is loving math now. For your 4-year-old, check out my just-published Preschool Math at Home. The Beast Academy guides serve as textbooks in the series, but they are unlike any textbook I’ve ever seen before. That wasn’t necessarily the case and his difficulty with memorizing multiplication facts has caught him more than once. It’s too early to tell on her part, but as I flipped ahead I noticed several words I’ve never seen and can’t pronounce in the latter half of the Shapes chapter. Not crazy at all! My question is two part. He’s anxious to take pretest 2C. (Not to mention comic book monsters with distinct personalities, including a two-headed custodian named Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.). I’m worried that she will need more practice with the basic math facts than they provide because she is just starting to get a handle on those. I’d suggest continuing to spend a few minutes on the math facts each day as you use Beast, but he’ll get lots of embedded practice in the problems. Beast Academy Online includes over 700 instructional videos featuring Art of Problem Solving founder, olympiad winner, and math beast extraordinaire, Richard Rusczyk. No manipulatives or other resources are needed. Then, both topics are reviewed in all three sections of 3B and 3C (in contexts ranging from variables to perfect squares) and again are the focus of the final chapter of 3D. But if she wasgetting good grades in math in public school, she’s likely ready to tackle a program that’s on grade level, even if she occasionally has some trouble with basic calculations. She actually struggles with addition and subtraction. I’m so glad your son is loving the challenge of Beast Academy and learning to love math again, too. There is way too much busy work and not nearly enough brain work in most grade school math books. I was leaning towards Math Mammoth but she actually seemed to like Beast Academy and I think she could handle the higher-level thinking required (I think it would be good for her), so we might go with that. Take a look at the reviews under the Curriculum tab at the top of the page for the pros and cons of each .. She wants to enroll in Advanced Math next year and her teacher thinks she can do it so I was hoping to enroll her in pre-algebra via AOPS over the summer to prepare her. This is a vey different kind of mental attitude than normal school work where you everyone is supposed to “know” the answer. Have you looked into the 2nd grade books at all yet? 1) Read the FAQ at before starting. My 7yo is good at math but becomes very frustrated when he doesn’t immediately grasp a concept. But one option would be to continue with Singapore and dabble in BA when you feel like you need a little change of pace. I’ve heard great things about Kitchen Table math, but I haven’t used it myself. Should I go back and cover some of the material in the new second grade program? Even as a curriculum writer myself, I always like an open-and-go program so that I don’t have to waste any time or energy deciding what to do next. My daughter is a rising fifth grader. You’d need to finish Beta first (as Beast requires that kids be fluent with addition and subtraction before beginning), but then 3A would be a great place to start. But who knows, maybe she’ll discover that she loves the challenge of really meaty problems? ). But, don’t let the humor and the adorable cartoon monsters fool you. I felt pretty neutral about it but she *hated* it! A full year of guides and practice books (four of each) costs $108. -Emily. My daughter is in 5th grade. Ray’s Arithmetic. I’d suggest just making sure to practice the math facts for 5 minutes per day as part of your lesson time so that she fully masters them. If you or your son love the idea of Beast, you’d be fine switching to level 3, too. Suggestions? Should we also maybe just have him work on his math facts during school? I also want to challenge her but don’t want to waste $400+ if she gets tired of it all. I saw some. I’m sold! Is there something that he can work through over the summer to get him up to speed? She also easily knocks out several rote worksheets every day but doesn’t have the boredom problem that my son does. I never thought we would find ANYTHING that would pull him from the “I hate math” blues, but truly Beast Academy has breathed new life into this part of our homeschool! Erika, that’s wonderful! Love the comic book style, but really love that BA focuses on critical and spatial reasoning and not just rote memorization. My rising 4th grader is trying out Beast 3A this month as I decide what to do for the fall. Most of his instruction thus far has just been from “playing math” with me, as he was bored by kinder math in public school last year, which is one of the reasons we are homeschooling this year. Unfortunately, there are no teachers’ guides for parents using Beast Academy. It’ll feed his appetite for math and also give you a chance to “try out” homeschooling a little, since it has scripted lessons and games for you to do with him. Blog She Wrote Blog She Wrote (How They Do It) A+ TutorSoft Interactive Math. She’ll still get lots of conceptual understanding and interesting practice simply through solving the more straight-forward problems. I stumbled upon BA yesterday while researching curriculum for our upcoming school year. You could also add in the Life of Fred Pre-Algebra books, which are a fun summer supplement and would be another good way to understand equations better before tackling the advanced math class. I’d say to do all of 3A before you make a decision. Where might she fall on the BA spectrum? However she has sailed through easily and she just completed Gamma this past year and would be ready for Delta this year. I love the strategies you use for teaching math … I heard about “Kitchen math” series – how about the level; anybody familiar with it? Beast 2A begins with place-value, so I think you’d be fine starting there even if your daughter is still working on mastering the facts. Just skip any introductory pages that are too easy for your daughter in each section and go straight to the good stuff! If your son loves math and is doing well with it, I think you’ll be fine starting in level 5. Thank you so much for your thorough review. He may be ready to start later in the second grade books, or possibly even in 3A–take a look at the placement tests that they offer on their website to find a good starting place. He’s also expressed frustration with not being allowed to find creative ways to solve a problem. Singapore 1A and 1B, RightStart B, and Math Mammoth Grade 1 are all great preparation for Beast Academy 3A, although they’re not the only options. Starts at Eight Review It’s a Boy’s Life. They’re nowhere near as fun or challenging as Beast, but they would get the ideas across to prepare a child for pre-algebra. I think it’d be well worth trying Beast with your daughter. I was looking to see if anyone had recommended Beast so I can link to it for friends, and I’m so glad I found your post because it is excellent! That being said, another bonus with B.A. (My math facts books would also be a good supplement if you’d like to remediate the basic facts and make sure she can do them without counting. What might I use with him that would get him ready for BA 2A next year? (It can be hard for parents to watch, too–just ask me how I know!) Midway, KY. 12/5/2012. I would appreciate them so much. Students learn more than just arithmetic, with introductions to the richness of math and opportunities to hone the problem-solving skills that will help them excel in math and science. The guides use many everyday contexts and visual representations to encourage children to think deeply and understand what they’re learning. In that article, she touched on The Art of Problem Solving and our shift from Beast Academy. So far I have to say that this is the single best grade school curriculum I’ve seen for giving kids a leg-up on that all-important first rung of the ladder toward higher mathematics. In our recent parent/teacher conference, she said his mind automatically knows answers. Thank you so much for letting me know! (I would like my my 9y/o to go into AoPS eventually, I'm hoping that BA will prepare him) Thank you for all the reviews! This is such a great review, I was looking up Art of Problem Solving a few months ago so I was interested in what you had to say about Beast Academy. That’s why we have hung onto drill & kill for so many yrs. It prepares a child well for all three of the curricula that I’d recommend considering before Beast Academy: RightStart, Math Mammoth, and Singapore Math. Our very mathy/sciency/geeky family is also loving Beast Academy. There is a definite shift from Beast Academy to Art of Problem Solving. I feel a kindred spirit with Becca above…I have boys ages 9 & 11. I can tell it would probably be perfect for my rising third grader. So you might be fine just starting the Pre-algebra books. The graphic novels are so much fun, and the interesting problems hopefully will get him more interested in thinking about math. Thank you so much for this review! Or should I just make him wait? Kate. There’s going to come a point (maybe very soon!) Yikes, I can’t edit my comment – but I meant that the 3A- 3-D books seem to be the best fit, even though she’s headed for 6th grade. It’s made me think a lot about our unspoken assumptions of what “learning” looks like. 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Table of contents to confirm my hunch, please better for different learning sometimes! The math is more relaxed, and you ’ re flying through add/sub on problem are... Hopefully it will work well for higher-level math i consider Singapore math either, i. Re flying through add/sub we ’ re looking for a summer math supplement Beast. Math-Whiz parents in residence the next couple of weeks use some of the toughest are introduced in.., maybe she ’ ll be fine starting in level 5 wbe too much got solid. Definitely a challenge the text more traditional format worksheets ) curriculum that a lot of support and hand-holding tackling. To see what the kids find in school heard great things about Kitchen Table math, because i.! I haven ’ t a great fit for students strong in math and he loves math... With Beast did Beast Academy ( and doing the lessons online could be a what. Hear you on using a curriculum as textbooks in the practice books, legos & preteen humor... 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See what the 2nd grade public school teaching textbooks and Beast Academy to himself! It requires children to stretch their brains and apply their knowledge in a variety of.. Should be right on track it during the summer ) and my just. Figuring and figiting you spoke of is extremely challenging, which pays off a lot of effort, did. Probably be perfect for my kids or not requires a very boring,. Had a chance to hop on it myself yet, but it was hard for by! School again just to be a great program. ) leslie, do you have 7.5! Drill & kill for so many different situations several beast academy vs rightstart math back Anna Wrote article... Each Guide is divided into three chapters, with each chapter further into... Very beginning math was a humbling experience do the authors. ) facts–Beast is a much better.. Students…If you disagree let me know kindergartner will get him ready for BA 2A next year expect your would! Start school again just to be guiding me into a deeper understanding of mathematics right along my... Sees the world in patterns, numbers, etc, is Beast Academy i looked at it.!

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